Special Summer CollectionSpecial summer collection For this lively and bubbly summer, we have created some practical and...
How the Free Spirit bag was bornThe right bag for free souls!
Eppen de L'Eco di Bergamo il 03/04/2023 SW7-dg
Natural vegetable-tanned leather has unique propertiesNatural leather does not undergo special tanning treatments and preserves its original properties Natural leather does...
Take care of our products - maintenance recommendationsA Vegetable-Tanned Leather Product Lasts a Lifetime Since it is a natural product, it is...
Leather Tanning – Production ProcessVegetable tanning of leather is a very ancient art that dates back to prehistoric times...
How a Silwart creation is bornEach Silwart creation arises from needs related to daily and working life and is inspired...